So when we went shopping recently Daisy bought the film 'The Bling Ring' in That's Entertainment, we both love Emma Watson and were excited to watch this film as she was in it. It is a short film, only lasting 90 minutes, directed by Sofia Coppola and the storyline is ...
'Inspired by actual events, a group of fame-obsessed teenagers use the internet to track celebrities' whereabouts in order to rob their homes.'
It is based on an article which appeared in Vanity Fair in 2008 about a gang from California, made up of 4 girls and one boy, that became known as 'The Bling Ring'. This gang broke into many celebrities houses, including Paris Hilton, Megan Fox and Orlando Bloom, to steal their belongings. The gang in total stole millions of dollars worth of clothes, shoes and other luxury items, showing the stereotypical American belief that fame and wealth will bring happiness.
After watching the film Daisy let me borrow it. Once we had both watched it, it became clear that we both had very different opinions about 'The Bling Ring' so we thought we would share them with you.
I thought Emma Watson was amazing, as per usual, as well as the other actors but I hated the story line. When I read it I thought it sounded brilliant but when I watched it, I was so bored! There were multiple scenes where I watched the actors do things without sound and no interesting voice over or music. I really have nothing good to say about this film so i'll just let Holly tell you why she liked it.
Unlike Daisy I really enjoyed this film for many reasons. I thought that the roles were well cast and that the actors portrayed the gang's ego and deep thoughts very well. I also think the film itself was filmed very interestingly, for example as though the audience is in the mirror watching the fame-obsessed teens love themselves.
When the two main characters, Marc and Rebecca, break into Audrina Partridges house, it is all filmed in a single take from outside the house, we see Marc and Rebecca running round the house, and as they turn on the lights in each room more and more of what they are doing is revealed. I think this was a very clever way of filming this break in, as without the way Sofia Coppola has made each break in different, the film could have become too repetitive, at each break in we feel the characters become more comfortable with what they are doing.
The ending of the film shows the friendships fall apart, as each character tries to defend themselves and Marc realises that he had lost his 'best friend' Rebecca to the idea of 'fame' and 'fortune' a long time ago. Overall I really enjoyed this film and although it may not be for everyone, I think it is an interesting look into what the longing for fame and fortune can tempt people to do.
Love Holly and Daisy x