Friday 22 November 2013

Hair Chalk

Hey Guys,
It's Daisy here and when Halloween came around I wanted to dye my hair red with those spray in, wash out cans and while I was out with Holly shopping she pointed out this stand full of hair chalks.
If you aren't familiar with hair chalks it is literally a piece of chalk specifically designed to stain your hair.

I had heard about these before and seen them on YouTube. The ones I bought were £3 for 6 chalks at one of those little stand in the middle of shopping centers. I thought it was an excellent price and I wouldn't mind getting some more because they did darker shades as well.
You can also get them from Amazon and Ebay quite cheap with a lot more colours which i'm also tempted to buy, and I will link a few of the web address below.

Unfortunately the chalk didn't come with instructions but on the little counter Holly spotted that it must be applied to wet/damped hair; I found it easier to fill an empty spray bottle with water and damp my hair with that. Thankfully because i'm blonde, the chalk stained my hair amazingly, however it did dry it horribly, it genuinely felt of straw.
It came out pretty easily, I just had to wash my hair a few times with shampoo but the red took at least three washes to come out but I wasn't that bothered about having ginger hair for a bit.
I've only used these a few times but the chalk does rub down quite a lot but for the price it's not that big of a deal.

I highly recommend them if you enjoy temporarily dying your hair or fancy having multi-coloured hair for a night out for a very reasonable price.

Love Holly and Daisy x

My set

6 set £3.59
24 set £11.99

24 set £6.89
36 set £8.99
48 set £14.99

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