Friday 2 January 2015

Song of the week

Hey Guys,
First off Holly and I wish you a HAPPY NEW YEAR! We're looking forward to what this year brings for our blog and to kick off the year here's the first 'Song of the Week'.

At the moment Spotify are doing an offer of having premium for 3 months for 99p - feel free to follow me at 'daisy.brazenell' -  so naturally I jumped at the opportunity; this has allowed me to experience new music/genres/artists that I've not heard of before.

I've stumble across the artists Feist. Leslie Feist - aka Feist - is a Canadian indie pop singer/songwriter, performing both as a solo artist and as a member of the indie rock group Broken Social Scene.

Linked below are a few of my favourite songs.

Love Daisy x


  1. Really grea post. I heard of this artist and hearing others is lovely. Take care.
    Feel free to view my blog in your spare time, Thank you.

    1. Thankyou for your comment! We will check your blog out soon. Love Holly and Daisy x
