Friday 17 July 2015

Important Video: Chummy Chatter

Hey Guys,

I thought today I would draw to your attention this YouTube collaboration video between Zoella and Sprinkle of Glitter. To me this is a really important video that covers a serious topic of people voicing their opinions about other peoples bodies. Something that in my opinion, which has been reinforced by this video, is never acceptable.

'You don't need to ask people why their body is the way it is, it just is the way it is.'

As Zoe and Louise point out, it is so rude to comment on people's body sizes in a scrutinising way. There is a fine line between trying to compliment someone and just being plain rude, so the easiest thing seems to be not to attempt to compliment on body size but instead compliment someones outfit, for example, or one of their other great features!

'I don't agree that anyone else should comment on anyone else's size.'

Asking someone why they are fat/skinny is rude whoever says it. You never know what situation that person may be in and if they do have an eating disorder asking this is not going to help at all. It is important to remember....

'There should never need to be a justification as to why you are the way you are.'

I didn't realise how rude calling someone skinny was until it happened to me, and it is a really hurtful thing to say. I think, as mentioned, it is the word skinny (or thin) that is rude. Zoe and Louise do not hesitate to point out that it is just as offensive as calling someone fat. You wouldn't go up to someone and call them fat, so don't go up to someone and call them skinny. It goes on the basis that if you don't have something good to say don't say it.

If this is happening/ has happened to you, I think Louise gives the best advice in the video, which is...

'If you're happy and you're healthy then screw what everyone else thinks'

Watch Zoe and Louise's video here.

Love Holly x

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