Wednesday 29 May 2013

Book review: The Tiny Wife

Hey Guys,

Recently I (Daisy) have just finished reading 'The Tiny Wife' by Andrew Kaufman, also the author of 'All My Friends Are Superheroes'. The real reason I bought this book was because I saw the front cover on Tumblr and thought it looked really interesting, so naturally I googled what it was to find out it was a book; normally I only buy books from recomendations from friends or an author I likes written a new book, but once I read the blurb I couldn't resist.

"A robber charges into a bank with a loaded gun, but instead of taking any money he steals an item of sentimental value from each person. Once he has made his escape, strange things start to happen to the victims.
A tattoo comes to life, a husband turns into a snowman, a baby starts to shit money. And Stacey Hinterland discovers that she's shrinking, a little every day, and there is seemingly nothing that she or her husband can do to reverse the process."

I won't tell you what happens in the book in case you end up buying it but it's a lovely story; it's split into 3 books and jammed into only 88 pages. Unlike Holly I can only read short books because I get really bored, stop reading the book and forget what's happened; this book was lovely because it only took me a day to read. 

Although this book is a bit pricey on Waterstones for £8.00, I found it cheaper on Amazon for £6.90, it's a very nice read but I would only recommend it to people who like short stories. Also, I know Holly has nearly finished her current book and I also bought more books ready to read so there should be some upcoming reviews.

Love Holly and Daisy x

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