Saturday 19 July 2014

A Creative Day

Hey Guys,

On Thursday I spent the day making some stuff that I needed. The first thing I made was a money box that I won't be able to get into. I had a smashable moneybox for Christmas last year and it was getting quite full. I decided I wanted to smash it to get the money out, but this meant being left with no money box and so consequently I decided to make a new one.

I used an old cardboard box and printed pictures that I found on the internet, sizing them on the computer first so they would fit perfectly.
I cellotaped the box firmly shut so I wont be able to get inside, then all I had to do was cut out the pictures, to decorate the box, and stick them on. I carefully made a slot for the money to go in and now I have a new money box!
Some of my shorts are getting too small for me and because summer is now upon us, I need shorts that fit! My mum had the brilliant idea of using some old jeans to make some new shorts.
We cut the legs off some old primark jeans, that I never wear,
and there were my new shorts. I used a stitch unpicker to fray the edges of the shorts. They have turned our brilliantly and I have saved money because I now don't have to buy new shorts.

The legs of the jeans were obviously left over so I decided to put them to good use. I made a little purse/makeup bag to go into my handbag. I used the bottom of the leg to make the main body of it and then made the flap with another bit.

I customised the little bag, sewing the word 'creep' onto the flap. I chose this word because I think the song 'Creep' by Radiohead (link below) is great.

The last thing I made was a banana loaf with my mum. We had some over ripe bananas which were perfect for the recipe, and the loaf tastes delicious.

Hope you can find something creative to do this summer!

Love Holly x

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