Monday 20 January 2014

Hmm... I feel a haircut coming on

Hey Guys,
I have quite a short attention span and when it comes to my hair, I am very easily bored. I had long hair for quite a few years but after dip dyeing it and not having it cut enough, it was in awful condition, so I made the decision to have it cut into a bob!
 Lots of people found me cutting my hair off weird because for many girls my age all they want is ridiculously long hair. I personally don't understand this obsession with long hair as I just found it to be a huge hassle.
I really loved my bob, but again got bored so have been growing it out for a few months now. I am lucky because my hair grows extremely fast, something that I know many people wish their hair did. After my exams & our prom, I am contemplating cutting my hair really short, maybe into a pixie cut!

There are a few styles that I have spied which I like, now I just have to choose...

Emma Watson in Perks Of Being a Wallflower
Carey Mulligan in The Great Gatsby
Tavi Gevinson when she was young
I am having real trouble deciding what I want to do and am worried that short hair maybe won't suit me. Oh well, I guess we will just have to wait and see.
Love Holly x


  1. “I am lucky because my hair grows extremely fast..” – You surely are, girl! Wish I could say the same. Haha! Anyway, about the long hair obsession. I think one of the reasons why most girls your age are into long hair is because it is one of the top hairstyles for fat faces. Not that I am saying they’re all fat, but it would help them look slimmer. And teens also have some kind of inclination to getting thin these days.

    1. Hi Lizzie, that could definitely be a reason for the long hair obsession and is something I hadn't thought about! It makes a lot of sense when you put it that way, especially with a lot teenagers wanting to be thinner or at least look it. Holly x
