Friday 20 December 2013

The Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Collection

Hey Guys,
As you know this year is the Doctor Who's 50th Anniversary and to celebrate they did that special episode 'Day of the Doctor' with David Tennant, Matt Smith and John Hurt; not only did they do that amazing episode they also bought out books. Now seeing that the pair of us are book fanatics it was only fitting that I did some shopping.
The books are originally £7.99, but if you're savvy you would by them from The Works for £1.99. There are 11 books in total (I believe), each book is about each Doctor; I'm not really sure what they're about, i'm just assuming they're about that specific Doctor but for 2 quid a book I just had to get some. You can also buy a 9 book box set for only £12.99, which in some book shops is the price for only one book, what a bargain! The only down side about ordering these books were that they got a bit damaged, like most books do even with Amazon, but I just thought I'd throw that out there.

Their spines
Seeing as I've grown up with 3 Doctors, soon to be 4, I figured I would only buy the 9th,10th and 11th Doctor books; and if i enjoy them I may be tempted to buy some more but more likely I'll buy them just so I have a pretty, full set. Anyway, I'm going to start off with the Christopher Eccleston one, 'Only Human'.
I will do a review on these books, I'm not sure yet whether to do a collective review or one for each book yet... and I'm pretty certain Holly's asked for the Matt Smith one, 'The Silent Stars go by' for Christmas and there's no doubt she'll have something to say about them.

I also ordered 2 other books so there should be some reviews on them in the not so distance future and I'm also reading another book at the moment, but when am I not?

Love Daisy x

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