Tuesday 31 December 2013

The Hunt

Hey Guys,
I have found the most wonderful app in the world called 'The Hunt'.
How the app works is: if you see a piece of clothing you like, either online or in person, you take a picture of it and upload it on the app. Then, other people using the app will help you try and find that piece of clothing. It's essentially a big shopping community.

I think this app is perfect for when your friends don't want to tell you where they got their top from because they don't want you coping them or you're so shy to ask a stranger where they got their boots from; you can now easily find out.

The only downside I have with this app is that the majority of people who use it are from America, meaning that when they've found something for you, it's from an American site which really sucks seeing as I'm from England.

Overall I think it's a fantastic app and you should definitely get it if you're a nosy person like me and it's FREE!

Love Daisy x

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